2022年1月より活動をスタートする「NPO法人ミュージカルライターズジャパン」(前身 Onpuma)に僭越ながら理事として関わらせて頂く事になりました。錚々たる皆さんの中に加えて頂き大変恐縮ですが、アメリカ・ミュージカル業界との橋渡しの役割を担えることを大目標に、作家として益々研鑽を積みながら、全力を尽くして参りたいと思います!



2021年12月21日(火)全2回公演(17:30-, 20:00-)@ KIWA TENNOZ(東京都品川区東品川2-1-3)



I'm so thrilled to announce that I'm involved in Musical Theatre Writers Japan (MTWJ), a non-profit organization that launches next January, as one of the board members!

MTWJ (formerly Onpuma) was founded by composer Okuda Yu to provide platforms for Japanese musical theatre writers to connect and share resources, as well as to support the creation of new works by creating opportunities such as workshops, concerts, and festivals.

The organization's inauguration concert will be held in Tokyo on Dec. 21! Featured in the concert are various musical theatre songs written by Japanese writers & their collaborators, including a song that Charissa Bertels, Christian Duhamel, and I wrote for The Uncivil Ones, as well as the song by the special guest, the amazing Georgia Stitt, who has been such an inspiration to the organization from the beginning!

If you're in Tokyo then and are interested, please get your ticket right away! The seats are selling fast. Thank you!

December 21, 2021, 5:30pm & 8pm @ KIWA TENNOZ

Ticket reservation: https://www.oasis-kiwa.com/schedule/view/763


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