The first concert of the "Lungs of the City" concert series was hosted by Juventas New Music Ensemble in Boston on March 26, 2022, and the concert was covered by Lucid Culture, a New York-based music blog. I'm grateful to receive this beautiful review:
"Ayumi Okada‘s tantalizingly brief partita Golden Hour Walk at Fort Tryon Park traced the Washington Heights composer’s 2021 winter solstice stroll through her favorite spots there just as the sun was about to go down over the Hudson. It was characteristically evocative, beginning as a wistful pavane and growing more animated, with Carl Nielsen-esque echo phrases bouncing from voice to voice. Baroque inflections, elegantly intertwined horn and flute, and colorfully squirrelly pizzicato rose to a lushness that contrasted with shivery strings and silken flute lines. The final sunset theme became a gently wafting, Dvorakian singalong."
See the full coverage here:
Watch the entire concert on YouTube:
先日ボストンにて行われた”Lungs of the City"コンサートシリーズの第一弾が無事に終わりました!各曲5-7分とはいえ、8曲の世界初演は並大抵のことではないと思いますが、現役作曲家の作品の演奏をミッションとするJuventas New Music Ensembleの演奏は素晴らしく、忘れ得ぬコンサートとなりました。Reviewも書いてもらえたので、コンサートのアーカイブ映像とともにご紹介させて頂きます。ぜひご覧頂けたら嬉しいです。